Re: datatype test case

>Does the empty graph datatype(xsd:integer, xsd:decimal) entail
>xsd:integer rdfs:subClassOf xsd:decimal .

Well, if Dan C is right about the datatype values, then yes, it does, 
since we have IFF conditions on subClassOf. That is, it XSD-entails 
it. I didn't mention things like this because I thought we were only 
supporting the XSD primitive datatypes. If we are supporting the 
entire edifice of all the built-ins, then there are lots of possible 
entailments which could be stated in RDFS, including the above.

Do you want me to try to make a table of all the valid RDFS triples 
in XSD interpretations, assuming of course that we can take the XSD 
spec at face value? I don't think it would take all that long, but I 
am slightly worried about missing something (are there any 
subproperty entailments? HOw do we express the fact that two 
different dtypes have compatible L2V mappings?? Etc.

Or, we could just pass the buck as we do now.


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Received on Saturday, 30 November 2002 23:52:55 UTC